“Writing enables us to find out what we know - and what we don’t know - about whatever we’re trying to learn.”
– William Zinsser, Writing to Learn

Fuzzy word replace from string in Python

Have you ever faced problems like the following? You are given a string, for example "Apple MacBook Pro appl". Now you have to remove the word "Apple" from the string....

Extracting Audio from Video using Python

We’ll start by installing ffmpeg and moviepy packages using the following pip command. pip install ffmpeg moviepy Next, we’ll import MoviePy: import moviepy.editor as mp Next, we’ll load the Video...

Installing Windows Subsystem Linux (WSL2) and Docker in Windows 10

Installing Docker in Windows system is not always a straight-forward process since Windows 10 doesn’t provide support for Hyper-V. Though it provides Windows Hypervisor Platform, it doesn’t help for Docker...

Conda and Mamba Commands for Managing Virtual Environments

Installing Mamba conda install -n base -c conda-forge mamba Adding channels conda config --add channels conda-forge Updating Mamba mamba update -n base mamba Finding a Package mamba repoquery search PACKAGE...

Drawing multiple ROC-Curves in a single plot

What is AUC-ROC Curve? AUC-ROC curve is a performance metric for binary classification problem at different thresholds. ROC is a probability curve and AUC represents the degree or measure of...